SCHNEIDERMagnetothermic And Differentials of the electrical material brand SCHNEIDER. |
HAGERMagnetothermic, Differentials, Contactors and Motor Protectors of the electrical equipment brand HAGER. |
LEGRANDMagnetothermic and Differentials of the brand of electrical equipment LEGRAND. |
WERDEN ElectricMagnetothermic, Differentials, Contactors, Coils, Auxiliary Blocks, Motor Protectors and Pushbutton Boxes of the electrical material brand WERDEN Electric. |
CHINT ElectricMagnetothermic, Differentials, Contactors, Thermal Relays, Motor Protectors and Overvoltages of the electrical material brand CHINT Electric. |
EATON - MOELLERMagnetothermic and Differentials of the electrical equipment brand EATON - MOELLER. |
OVERVOLTAGE LIMITERS / PROTECTORSLimiters or Protectors of transient and permanent overvoltage, as well as combined of more transient Permanent. |
RESETTABLE DIFFERENTIALReversible or automatic reconnection differentials, in 2 and 4 poles, of the main brands of the sector. |
SUPERINMUNIZED DIFFERENTIALSImmunized differentials incorporating filters of high frequencies that avoid untimely shots in the presence of loads or caused by transient impulses. |
DIFFERENTIALSElectrical Differential Switches shown by products of different brands. |
MAGNETOTHERMALAutomatic Magnetothermic Switches shown by products of different brands. |
MOLDED CASE SWITCHESMolded Case Switches and accessories shown by products of different brands. |
MODULAR CONTACTORSModular contactors for DIN rail shown by products of different brands. |
CONTACTORS AND RELAYSContactors, coils and thermal relays shown by products of different brands. |
MOTOR GUARDElectric motor protectors shown by products of different brands. |
Magnetothermic, Differential and modular switchgear at the best price and with the greatest discount.
From economic and quality brands to leading brands, we have the largest market range in modular protection for both homes and the tertiary and industrial sector.